ettlement patterns are the ways in which human settlements are distributed across the earth’s land, including the locations of cities, towns and even individual homes. Where people settle is determined by a wide range of factors related to both nature and human society. Examining the reasons behind different settlement patterns is an important part of understanding the geography of the world we live in.
1. Upper Mississippi
2. Arkanas River
3. Illinois River
4. Missouri River
5. Ohio River.
6. Red River
Answer and Explanation:
Earths crust is broken into plates called tectonic plates. the plates move bc of convection currents in the earths mantle. convection currents are the movement caused with a liquid by the propencity of hotter and less dense matter to rise, and colder, thicker material to sink under the effect of gravitational pull, which as a result results in the transfer of heat. As a result these are moved by the heat composed by the common natural blight of radioactive component in the earth.