Animal Farm is an important book for society because it shows us the potential dangers of good intentions. It satirizes the authoritarian USSR and shows how even revolutions born from good intentions can mislead the people they are meant to serve.
In this case, the appropriate thesis statement using the "limited subject + precise opinion" formula is the sentence "Pets are cool."
Answer: okay I will
Explanation: it was Wednesday night when my concert choir teacher was saying that we had a concert tonight and I was so excited that I wanted to do a great job at the concert so my class and I sang dreams take flight,oh come on come Emanuel, a million dreams,hark the Harold, the Lord blessed you and keep you, and that was all the songs we sang it was so fun that at the end of the concert we all went to Hershey park and it was so much fun
<u>In</u> our classroom, there are 50 desks. It has paint, white <u>like</u> snow painted <u>along</u> the edges <u>of</u> the walls. <u>Underneath</u> the chairs, you can see the wooden floor. If you walk <u>acros</u>s the floor all the way <u>until</u> the back of the class and look <u>up</u>, you will find a bunch of boxes <u>on top o</u>f the cabinets. Make sure to turn the lights <u>off </u>when you leave so that the janitor doesn't scold you.