Nowadays that is quite easy if you have a computer with an internet connection and know how to use it. You need to go to the Senate or the House web page and examine the roll call vote tallies to find the exact record of votes every day.
You can also go to the Congressional record web page for vote tallies for the two chambers of Congress. However it is important to make a difference between the different types of votes since not all of these are recorded by name. Voice votes are only voted by the Congressperson saying “aye” or “no” to a particular proposition or bill. Division or standing votes are voted by raising a hand and then the presiding officers count the Members.
Wife: Mary Todd Lincoln
Sons :Robert Todd Lincoln,
William Wallace Lincoln
,Tad Lincoln
,Edward Baker Lincoln
The heads on Easter Island have bodies. ...
The moon has moonquakes. ...
Goosebumps are meant to ward off predators. ...
There's no such thing as "pear cider." ...
Pineapple works as a natural meat tenderizer. ...
Humans are the only animals that blush.
The iron and textile industries played just 2 roles in the Industrial Revolution, textile were originally made by hand in peoples homes when the textiles industry evolved into factory work that became increasingly uniform. When the iron industry took hold a cheaper, easier method to produce cast iron was found. Both iron and steel became essential materials, used to make appliances, tools, ships, buildings.