It distracted them from Vietnam War
Not every American citizen or politician was satisfied with the results of Johnson’s Great Society agenda. And some resented what they saw as government handouts and felt the government should butt out of American’s lives altogether.
In 1968, President Richard M. Nixon set out to undo or revamp much of the Great Society’s legislation. He and other Republicans still wanted to help the poor and the needy, but wanted to cut the red tape and reduce costs. Nixon wasn’t completely successful, however, and the political infighting for social reform has been raging ever since.
Despite Johnson’s Great Society having a lasting impact on almost all future political and social agendas, his success was overshadowed by the Vietnam War. He was forced to divert funds from the War on Poverty to the War in Vietnam.
And despite the enormous amount of legislation passed by his administration, Johnson is seldom remembered as a champion of the underprivileged and at-risk. Instead, he’s arguably better known as the commander-in-chief who forced America into an unwinnable war that resulted in over 58,000 American military fatalities.
The Great Society was an ambitious series of policy initiatives, legislation and programs spearheaded by President Lyndon B. Johnson with the main goals of ending poverty, reducing crime, abolishing inequality and improving the environment. In May 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson laid out his agenda for a “Great Society” during a speech at the University of Michigan. With his eye on re-election that year, Johnson set in motion his Great Society, the largest social reform plan in modern history.
a. Columbian Exchange
The first Europeans that managed to get tot he New World discovered lot of things that can be used back in their homelands. Lot of new crops were discovered, animals, vast fertile lands, as well as gold and silver. Once these things were introduced back in Europe the word quickly spread out, so the interest for exploration skyrocketed. Lot of people wanted to get out of Europe and go into the New World in order to get to this things, start a new life, and get rich. This resulted in countless explorations and mass migrations toward the New World.
C.It increased trade on the Mississippi
King => Nobles => Free citizens => Soldiers/Civil Service => Slaves.
Three main social classes included the awilu (free persons), the wardu (slaves), and the mushkenu (free persons of low estate).
As a punishment, free persons could be forced into slavery. Parents of children could also be sold into slavery.
Babylonians based the structure of their society around their own religious beliefs and how they will prosper. They were ruthless people who conquered many nations through force. Some accounts even state that the Babylonians would kill entire civilizations, even if the civilization had surrendered without any sort of resistance.
Patrick Henry was against a strong, centralized national government and constitution because he wished to see real, structural limitations on the new government’s power, such as taking away its authority to tax. He felt that a strong government <span>betrayed the principles of the Revolution.</span>