- G1: One copy of the B allele per cell
- G2: Two copies of the B allele per cell
- metaphase of mitosis: Two copies of the B allele per cell
- metaphase I of meiosis: Two copies of the B allele per cell
- metaphase II of meiosis: One copy of the B allele per cell
- second cytokinesis following meiosis: One copy of the B allele in only two of the four daughter cells.
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Answer: Hardy Weinberg
Genotype of the person are the characters that are can be defined as the genes that is responsible for certain traits.
Hardy Weinberg Rule states that if there is a random mating in the population then the genotype and allele frequencies in a population will remain constant from generations to generation in the absence of the evolutionary forces.
Hence, the correct answer is Hardy Weinberg.
In mid-ocean ridge areas, ocean water is cycled through the crust because of the high heat flow in the area. Water in the rock is heated over the magmas, rising up and drawing in cold water from the sides. This process is occurring all over the world, and is the primary means for maintaining ocean salinity in a relatively constant range over the long term, as elements in the sea water when it is heated react with the rocks. There is so much water flow, cumulatively over the entire world, that this process basically buffers ocean chemistry.
Obviously large increases or decreases in salinity can and do occur in isolated basins that do not have free exchange with the open oceans.
the umbilical cord is connected to both the mother and the unborn child and so tranfers nutrients from the mothers blood to that of the baby's blood
Adenina (30%), citosina (15%), guanina (15%) o timina (40%)
El 30% de las bases nitrogenadas totales lo ocupa la adenina, el 15% de las bases nitrogenadas totales corresponde a la citosina, el 15% de las bases nitrogenadas totales toma la guanina y el 40% restante de las bases nitrogenadas totales lo ocupa la timina. Entonces, al combinar todos estos porcentajes, obtenemos el 100 por ciento del volumen del ácido desoxirribonucleico (ADN).