1. C--the automation of jobs: as technology increased manufacturing jobs were filled by technology leaving other jobs to be created. The service sector was the result of that innovation.
2. B--prosecute members of the Communist Party: The Smith Act made threats to overthrow the government illegal. Since communist is based on the overthrow of a government, this act justified the search and investigation of communists.
1. headquartered - placing the business operations center in a location
2. aerospace - industry that designs and manufactures aircraft
3. bygone era - earlier time period
Answer: Tennis and Fashion How Tennis Has Influenced Fashion . 1. Chris Evert. At the US open in 1987, Chris Evert halted her play because she had dropped her diamond bracelet somewhere on the tennis court. From that time on, major jewelers like Tiffany decided to create their own bracelets in Evert’s style and penned them as tennis bracelets. Today, diamond tennis bracelets are still highly popular. 2. Rene Lacoste
Answer: As the Cold War with the United States intensified, the KGB came to be v wed as a counterpart of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); however, unlike the CIA, the KGB conducted most of its activities domestically, on Soviet soil and against Soviet citizens.