Natural language understanding (NLU) is a branch of natural language processing, which involves transforming human language into a machine-readable format.
NLU is branch of natural language processing (NLP), which helps computers understand and interpret human language by breaking down the elemental pieces of speech. While speech recognition captures spoken language in real-time, transcribes it, and returns text, NLU goes beyond recognition to determine a user's intent.
Answer: I got's you
The radius if the cone is 5 ft
Hope this help's let me know whatcha get
I have no idea what AP English 11 is like.
I think AP Bio is a difficult class to take. Bio may seem easy, but AP Bio is a whole different world. I would not recommend taking it unless you have a very good work ethic and you enjoy biology.
Don't take an AP class just to take one, choose one that you are intrested in.