“I love taking a bath in my bathroom.” is British.
The British refer to a bathroom as a room where you take a bath.
“Please, where can I find a bathroom?” Is American.
Americans refer to a bathroom as a restroom.
“We’d better get some gas on our way out.” is American.
Americans refer to gas as the fuel that goes in your car.
“In our home we cook has.” is British.
I’m not entirely sure about this one, but I know since the first sentence is American then the second sentence must be British.
“The company hired a new Vice President.” is American.
Americans refer to hiring as giving someone a job.
“We’re hiring a car for the weekend.” is British.
In Britain hiring can also mean renting a car.
“Where are you going for you holiday.” is British.
In Britain holidays also mean vacation, “your holiday” would me your day off.
“I forgot that Monday is a holiday.” is American.
In America holidays only refer to days that are celebrated by the whole country ( a day you would usually get off from work or school ), like a Christmas Break ( which students would get off from school ) or like Labor Day which is a day in America where everyone gets a break from work and/or school.