This is a question for you to answer personally because we do not know if you did check for spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. If you did check for those 3 things then you can choose True, but if you didn't then choose False. The more smart thing to do would be you should check those 3 and then choose True.
I hope this answered your question :)
1:Who was in the car?
2:What did you hit?
3:Have you drunk alcohol recently?
4:Have you ever smoked drugs?
5:Have you been in a car crash before?
6:What is your name?
7:Where were you going?
8:Does anything hurt?
9:How many fingers am i holding up?
10:Where have you come from?
11:Can i contact anyone?
12:Can you wiggle your fingers and toes?
13:Do you have any allergies?
14:Do you have any medical issues?
15:Does anybody know you were here?
16:Is anything numb?
17:Can you breathe easily?
18:Does your chest hurt?
19:Can you feel your face?
20:Does anything feel like it is burning?