<span>These Acts were referred to as the Coercive Acts by American colonists and the Intolerable Acts by the British.</span></span></span>
France has far more to fear from a strong Germany than either the United States or Britain.
Clemenceau argued that the Germans would have done the same thing to Britain and France if they had won the war. He believed that France would never be safe unless Germany was crippled. In his view, Germany should be forced to pay large amounts in reparations to Belgium and France.
Gorbachev pursued glasnost and perestroika reforms in part because the war in Afghanistan had drained the nation's resources. Mikhail Gorbachev, as known as the former General Secretary of the Soviet Union (Russia), noticed that there has been a huge decrease in their resources. They were fighting a war in Afghanistan, and used all of the nation's resources to help them win the war. Since they used most of their resources, they didn't have much to help the economy, so if they don't get enough resources back, the economy would fail. Because of this Gorbachev made a movement called "perestroika" to help get back the nation's resources. What this movement did was let the government speaker, or have a conversation, about the issues that are going on in the economy, and see if there could be a way to solve it.
In South Asia, five countries have parliamentary governments, including Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal and Pakistan. Of these, three are federal republics (India, Nepal and Pakistan), one is a unitary republic (Bangladesh) and one is a constitutional monarchy (Bhutan).