Her mother was working at the restaurant before you came here.
D. The speaker thinks he took the road less traveled, but is not sure if it has made any difference in his life.
Answering this question involves reading the entire poem to fully understand the context, while laying emphasis on lines 9-12. After which the answer can be seen in lines 18-20.
I have always been utterly terrified of the gym. Whenever I would walk into the gym, all of the fit people would like at me with a nefarious smile only seen in books of myth. Just entering a gym resulted in them all staring at like I was their supply of entertainment for the day, all chuckling amongst themselves in a system of hilarity. The gym always makes me just want to fly away. Ever since I set foot into a public gym for the first time, I always try to stay away from that type of building.
Sky and By rhyme which is AA which means it's the first and second line rhyme.
Shaking and Breaking rhyme which is BB with the third and fourth rhyming.