The Inca culture was one of the most developed in pre-Columbian America. Among their achievements, was their architectural ability. Inca structures were made of stone that fit together, with extraordinary stability. The buildings have survived for centuries, with no use of mortar, in areas that are prone to earthquakes and volcanic activity.
The Inca also developed calendars based on astronomical observations. Astronomers understood equinoxes, solstices and zenith passages. Numerical information, particularly for administration, was stored in <em>quipu</em> strings.
In terms of art, Inca ceramics were highly advanced, although most of their silver and gold work was melted down by the Spaniards.
They were also advanced in medicine, performing skull surgeries successfully and with high survival rates.
Cooperative Federalism - This is the model of federalism that stressed federal-state partnership in addressing social problems. This was pioneered by the New Deal that formulated state-federal solutions to the Great Depression of 1929-1940. The Democratic Party under President Delano Roosevelt formulated the New Deal after the policies of President Herbert Hoover of non-interventionism into state affairs by the federal government failed to yield any results in remedying the Great Depression.
- For the most part, early hunter-gatherers were nomadic
- Early humans lived in caves, rock shelters in cliffs, and in tents
- An achievement of early humans was the mastery of fire
The early humans had much different life than the humans of the Neolithic and even more than the modern day humans. These humans had only several achievements, mostly the mastery of fire, creation of simple shelters, and creation of tools and weapons from stone. Their prime concerns were getting food and safety. The food was obtained through hunting of animals and gathering of certain plants. This meant that they had to have nomadic lifestyle in order to have enough food to survive, and their migrations were dictated by the migrations of the animals and the seasons. This was putting the early humans at big risk constantly, as there were lot of predators that were able to take them down with ease, such as big cats, canids, ancient bears, hyenas, and even the animals that they were hunting were extremely dangerous, especially the mastodon and mammoth. In order to be safer and more effective in getting food, they lived in groups, and were spending the nights in caves, rock shelters in cliffs, and in retractable tents, usually located at good locations for defending.
U-boat, German U-boot, abbreviation of Unterseeboot, (“undersea boat”), a German submarine. The destruction of enemy shipping by German U-boats was a spectacular feature of both World Wars I and II.