One of the main reason why more people didn't foresee the economic collapse of the 1930s is because it happened so quickly with no warning, since the US economy during the 1920s was incredibly strong and showed no signs of slowing.
There are in all 23 vital mementoes left behind by the 12 expeditors who visited the Moon as a part of the Apollo project. These include the 3 Lunar Roving Vehicles used to taxi around the surface of the Moon that were used during the mission Apollo-15, 16 and 17. Not only these expensive vehicles were abandoned there but all the 6 lunar modules which were used for the purpose of landing on the Moon are also left there. The other things, scattered across on the Moon, include the bags used to carry the life support systems, Neil Armstrong's as well as other astronauts' shoes, a device to measure the earthquake-like tremors on the Moon, a laser reflector which is used to measure the distance between the Earth and the Moon, the golf stick along and a golf ball that was struck by Alan Shepard, the national flag of the USA, the urine collection bags of the astronauts, tools used to break the rocks, etc. Personal belongings like the astronauts' family photographs are also included in the list. Every spot of human landing on the Moon includes some or the other thing to mark his visit on that spot.
Other mementos also include the first footprint of Neil Armstrong, the first man to land on the Moon as well.
<span>because he (Walter George) had influence in Congress. Senator Walter George's opposition to his policies (New Deal ideas) could hit the rock since he's influential in Congress. George had supported several of the earlier New Deal policies but he opposed Franklin Roosevelt's nomination for president in 1932. He was, however, opposed to several of Roosevelt's policy in his second term including rigorous regulation of utility companies, the Wealth Tax Acts—primarily on government reorganization and a wages and hours bill. So he had to convince the U.S. district attorney in Atlanta—Lawrence Camp—to run against George, hoping to use his presidential influence and his popularity in Georgia to help Camp win.</span>
"a challenge for Medicare and Social Security"
The limits that human remains such as skeletons have as sources of historical information are:
- Physical condition of the bones; usually the older, the more fragile and more difficult to study.
- The completeness of the skeleton. Usually, skeletons are found incomplete for a number of reasons (anticipated decay of some bones, scavenging animals taking several bones away, etc.) and the more complete, the better.
- The information that can be extracted from bones usually limits to: a) the dead person's physical features (height, physical build, gender, etc.); b) evidence of several diseases and/or trauma (injuries breaking bones), c) facial traits (through skull forensic reconstruction) and d) racial group, diet, evidence of toxins through study of he teeth.