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Line of credit
Line of credit ( LOC )-
It is the monetary value , which the bank or any credit union agrees to lend , with a predefined limit , from which the person can use the amount and then the interest is paid for the amount the person has borrowed , is known as line of credit .
In the case of LOC , a maximum limit , the interest rate and the time to repay back the amount with some minimum payments is defined beforehand .
a. It is important to strike a balance between objectivity and positivity in a report.
A standard business report should be well-researched, objective, and presented in a formal format. The facts should be clear. Data presented must verifiable.
Objectivity is crucial in a business report. The business report should be framed from the company's perspective. The report must remain impersonal. For example, if the sales for the year dropped, don't say the sales were horrible. Let the numbers speak for themselves. Objectivity requires information to be presented as is; without any manipulations.
The choice of words and phrases is critical in business reporting. Caution should be taken, especially if the performance is below expectations. A poorly worded statement may send investors into a panic mode, which can affect share prices adversely. Positivity in words and body language help increase investor confidence.
The information that you receive during the interviewing and hiring process is a part of the PRE-ARRIVAL stage of employee socialization.
Explanation:The pre-arrival stage clearly identifies that each individual comes with a set of values, attitudes, and expectations about both the work to be accomplished and the company that he/she would work for. The use of the selection process to inform prospective employees about the organization as a whole helps in setting the expectations of the prospect so that they meet the reality.
D, because automatic withdrawal is a schedule payment that takes place without either party having to do a thing as long as the account covera the balance.