An hour early to work. if you are 15 minutes late your fired. i go by if you early your on time. if your on time your late. if you late your fired.
Y = 300
government multiplier 2
output demanded increase by 20
If income tax is applied:
Y = 272.72
multipliers: 2.253775
increase 22.53775 billons
As disclosure it has a larget effect when the income tax is levied based on income rather than a flat rate.
DI = Y - 100
C = 30 + 0.6(Y - 100)
C = 30 - 60 + 0.6Y
C = 0.6Y - 30
Y = C + G + I
Y = (0.6Y -30) + 120 + 30
Y = 120 / 0.4 = 300
C = (0.6)300 - 30 = 150
With C we solve for the multiplier:
150/300 = 0.5
1 / (1 - 0.5) = 2
10 x 2 = 20
If variable that:
C = 30 + 0.6 (0.75Y)
C = 30 + 0.45Y
Y = 0.45Y + 120 + 30
Y = 150/.55 = 272,72
C = 30 + 0.45Y = 152,72
Propensitivity to consume:
152.72/272.72 = 0,5563
1 (1 - PMC) = 2.253775073
10 nillon will icnrease x 2.25377 = 22.54 billons
Often scarcity is caused by a combination of demand and supply induced effects. A rise in demand, e.g. due to rising population causes overcrowding and population migration to other fragile ecological areas
When proprietors decide to combine their business and form a partnership, gaap usually requires that non cash assets be taken over at : C. fair market vale
The data will be used to calculate the percentages of ownership of each combined companies
hope this helps
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