The correct answer is ozonosphere. Ozonosphere is the sub-layer that protects us from ultraviolet radiation. Ozonosphere or commonly known as ozone layer is plays the role of being the shield of the Earth from the Sun's ultraviolet radiation and absorbs it.
Gravity causes mass movement. Types of mass movement: landslides, mudslides, slump, and creep. The most destructive kind of mass movement is a landslide, which occurs when rock and soil slide quickly down a steep slope.
Sediments are used to provide the proxies to understand the environmental changes as, the sediments are formed by the activity of the weathering from the wind, glacier and the water. The different weathering agent and other transportation agent are different types of the mark over the sediments that help in the study of the past environment.
C. you may not begin to cross the street
Islam is the dominant religion in North Africa, practiced by over 90% of the population in some places.