to defend human rights in other countries
to take side of its strong economic partners
to protect democracy broad
Answer: Meditation is a practice that has been booming for the past few years and has been the subject of study due to the results it has produced.
Meditation is an ancient practice. This activity has been carried out for many years and is a representation of cultures such as Buddhist and Hinduism. Over time, meditation was encompassing the western terrain and has become one of the favorite activities for many people. Meditation attracts several people because it has been taken as a form of alternative therapy for various problems that affect a person's physical and mental health.
According to various investigations, some of the most common benefits of practicing meditation are:
1- Reduce stress and anxiety levels: some scientific studies have been able to see how the shape of the brain changes after a person has practiced meditation for a while. People who practice meditation express that they feel more relaxed and feel how their levels of stress and anxiety have decreased.
2- It promotes mental and physical health: in the field of mental health, meditation has been recommended as an alternative therapy to the treatments of a mental disorder that a person may suffer. Meditation helps the mind feel more liberated and with less pressure and that the person does not retain a series of thoughts that can negatively influence their health. In the field of physical health, people who meditate tend to suffer fewer illnesses because the basis of many physical illnesses begins with the mind and meditation means that the person does not store negative thoughts.
3- It helps to strengthen the state of concentration and memory: because the practice of meditation is an action where the person is calm and in a state of peace, this helps the person to concentrate better and pay attention to everything around. It has also been shown how this practice helps the person improve their ability to retain information.
Fundamental freedom
Fundamental freedom is related to the rights of a person to express their feelings of emotion to a particular religion, society community, etc. Fundamentals are the rights of a person express their concern about their religion, about their country, about their safety in their country. People can protest for their rights.
If something is going wrong that is against your fundamental law. Fundamental freedom to express their rights is mostly applicable in all countries. But these are according to their culture and environment, these laws vary.
C) Shanika pays $35.88 more than Vanessa.
This is because when doing the math, which is very simple, you can notice that, even though Shanika and Vanessa are using almost the same amount of energy during the 30 day period, <u>the plan that Vanessa is using gives her an advantage regarding the on-peak and off-peak hours</u>, which ultimately makes Shanika pay more than Vanessa.
Carol is distressed because post-childbirth complications prevented her from being in close physical contact with her child during his first few hours of life. Carol should be told that... human infants do not have well-defined critical periods for the formation of a mother-infant attachment.
What is the most common complication of childbirth?
Postpartum depression is the most common complication of childbirth. Up to 50% to 60% of all new mothers experience postpartum blues during the first 2 postpartum weeks.
Childbirth complications:
include eclampsia, cardiomyopathy, sepsis, embolism, transfusions, heart attack, respiratory distress, shock, and anesthesia complications occurred within a certain window surrounding delivery
What are the three complications of childbirth?
3 of the most dangerous pregnancy and/or delivery complications are: (1) uterus rupture; (2) shoulder dystocia, and (3) umbilical cord prolapse.
Learn more about childbirth complications: