705,003 is seven hundred five thousand, three in standard form
i. false
ii. true
iii. true
iv. false
When comparing negative numbers, if you disregard the negative sign, the apparent greater value will actually be the smaller.

Step-by-step explanation:
<h3>to understand this</h3><h3>you need to know about:</h3>
<h3>tips and formulas:</h3>

- vertices of hyperbola:(±a,0) and (0,±b) if reversed

- vertices: (0,±10)
- the hyperbola equation is inversed since the vertices is (0,±10)
- asymptotes:

<h3>let's solve:</h3>
- the asymptotes are in simplest and we know b is ±10
according to the question

therefore we got
note: the equation will be inversed
let's create the equation:

your non rounded yo answer is 107.1