Circe advises Odysseus to hug the cliff of Scylla and sacrifice six men rather than risk losing his whole ship to Charybdis. Also, he should race through as quickly as possible instead of trying to fight her (the monsters are female, of course).
Odysseus over comes the lotus (drug, temptation), rough seas, and his stubborn crew. Odysseus shows strong will and determination which allow him to overcome this obstacle.
The answer is synthetic because synthetic means a substance made by chemical synthesis to imitate a natural product.
We made sure to begin practicing well in advance of the final exam as we approached the end of the year.
As we approached the end of the year, we made sure to begin practicing well in advance of the final exam.
As we approached the end of the year, we made sure to begin practicing well in advance of the final exam.
Since media res starts right in the middle of the action, it captures the reader’s attention immediately.
Which book.
First one, she impressed them with her amazing shot by shooting the apple, and it was unique because it was risky. She in a way, called them out for their lack of attention, which is an attitude few tributes have.
Second one wasn’t so unique because it was similar to peetas, but again she called them out for killing (no spoilers).