The major problem in The Tale of Despereaux is the unfriendly relationship between the mice, the rats and the humans. Roscuro the rat caused the death of the Queen which forced the King to outlaw all rats.
A. "He has made her, if married, in the eye of the law, civilly dead."
This is the only statement that can not be interpreted literally.
The source of the speaker's creative powers comes from the beauty of the world that the poet had witnessed.
"Full Powers" is a Latin poem written by Pablo Neruda which was translated by Ben Belitt and Alastair Reid.
Pablo Neruda titled the poem "Full Powers" to demonstrate the civic life and the power of the politicians and the need of objectifying their domination. The source of the speaker's creative powers comes from the beauty of the world that the poet had witnessed.
He is put in confusion of what life really is and the existence of linguistic habits and the facade kindness of the politicians. He tries to break the political struggle through the poem, "Full Powers".