I believe the pronoun "what" is already properly placed.
4 1 2 i thins the is the answer hope i am right
A reference to Walt Whitman's "I Hear America Singing" => "I, Too". Langston Hughes' poem adds the African American identity to Whitman's list of ordinary people who constitute and contribute to American collective identity.
Paradox of social injustice => "I, Too". Hughes depicts the social inequality of black people, who are traditionally confined to servitude. He hopes, however, that this will change eventually.
Uses set meter and rhyme scheme => "From the Dark Tower". The poem's rhyme scheme is ABBA.
Symbol of wasted effort => "From the Dark Tower". Black people are the ones who plant, while white people reap.
Stone of anger and resentment => "From the Dark Tower". It depicts black people's anger at being constantly and systematically oppressed.
Uses free verse => "I, Too". Hughes' poem has a conversational tone. The free verse depicts the inner freedom that the speaker feels, and wants to transform into real freedom and equality.
People should read lord of the flies because it has an interesting and surprising plot. Also because it shows the darker side of humans in cynicism that isn't very popular nowadays, which offers a refreshing point of view. Also it encourages deep self reflection about your own dark side and how you would honestly feel in a situation that the boys were in.