So he what you do is take $488 multiply it by 22% to get $107.36 you then subtract $488 from $107.36 to get what he was paying before premium increase which is $380.64
It Transmits electrical currents. You can use it as an amplifier or switch of currents.
ASCII character set.
ASCII is an acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange and it was developed from a telegraph code. It is typically a character encoding standard that comprises of seven-bit (7-bit) set of codes.
ASCII character set is the character encoding standard that enables up to 128 different commonly used characters, numbers and symbols to be used in electronic communication systems. The ASCII character set is only used for encoding English language and it comprises of both the lower case and upper case letters of the 26 alphabets, number 0 to 9 and symbols.
Superscript or Subscript
The superscript or the subscript is a type of character which is set a little lower or more than the normal line of type. And it is generally small as compared to the other texts. The subscript does appear at or less than the baseline, and the superscript is above. And for the superscript, you need to press the Ctrl + Shift + + ( press and at the same time also hold the Ctrl and the Shift, and finally press the +). And for the subscript, you need to press the Ctrl + Shift ++(Press and at the same time also hold the Ctrl. and finally press the =). And pressing the corresponding shortcut once again, you will be back to the normal text.
lst = short_names.split()
print(sorted(lst,reverse = True))