(a) solute = substance (solid or liquid) in lesser amount, which will [dis]solve into the solvent
(b) solvent = substance (liquid) in larger amount, which [dis]solves the solvent
it's dissolvability is called "solvency"
water is known as the universal solvent because it is abundant on Earth and has a high solvency
(c) solution = the combination of solvent + solute
depending on the saturation of solute within solvent, the solution may appear clear, like the solvent
**think of warm sugar-water (solution), when all the sugar (solute) dissolves into the water (solvent), the solute seems to have disappeared
Answer:d. law of universal gravitation
1. Doesn't change period
2. More of this means more energy
3. Increases as a pendulum swings back and forth faster
4. Measured in cycles per second
5. Measured in meters or centimeters
6. This is decreases with smaller swing
7. If the frequency increases, this decreases
8. Measured in Hertz
9. Measured in seconds
10. if it swings back and forth slower, this decrease
11. As it dampens, this decreases