I think you mean Interior. Interior means something that is within; inside.
A sentence example would be: He observed the mansion's interior with awe.
I hope this helped.
Thank you,
<span>1-The fastest land dwelling
creature is the Cheetah. </span>
<span>Fact. This is fact because it can be verified.</span>
2-the ugliest sea creature is
the manatee.
<span>Opinion. Because opinions vary and beauty (or
ugliness) is relative, perspectives on what is considered “ugly” will vary.</span>
3-prison is one of the worst
places on the planet.
<span>Opinion. This is a relative thought. To some, prison might be considered a good
place. In fact, there are instances
where convicts cannot function in society after a long prison term and commit
crimes to be returned to prison because society has become a bad place—a place
where hardships outweigh those they faced in prison.</span>
4-Oranges contain both calcium
and vitamin C.
<span>Fact. This is something that can be tested and
verified as true. </span>
<span>NOTE: When trying to determine whether something is
a fact or an opinion, just be sure to keep in mind that if the statement can be
proven, it is fact; if the statement cannot be proven, it must be an opinion.</span>
Since you used the name Scout, I'm guessing this is about "To Kill a Mockingbird". Hopefully I'm correct, but here we go. Scout has a new teacher when she starts going to school again. Scout already knows how to read. Every night, she and Atticus had read books together, and he had therefore taught her to read. Now, in school, they were learning to read. Since Scout had already learnt, she didn't need help. The teacher, however, did not like this. (Sorry, I can't remember the teacher's name for the life of me!) The teacher told Scout to tell Atticus that they can't read together anymore. Scout is very obviously upset. She believes she should be able to read with Atticus because she is learning, after all. So, she dislikes the school's new approach to teaching. Hope this helps you!
1) The wrong sentence is D. In that case you don't need the possessive pronoum YOUR because what you need is a personal pronoun. YOU'RE is the correct form. However, as it is a question, the most suitable position for the pronoun is after the verb to be.
2) The incorrect sentence is C. In that case you need the pronoun THERE because the verb comes before its subject.
3) The incorrect sentence is D. In that sentence a personal pronoun +verb to be is needed. As it is talking about the weather the correct way is IT'S. The possessive adjective or possessive pronoun (its) is not correct for that context.
4) The wrong pronoun is in sentence B. When the sentence starts with the preposition TO you need the pronoun WHOM. The preposition can also be at the end of the sentence.