the benefits of knowing 2 languages is that when you apply for jobs you apply as being bilingual and you have a better shot at getting a position that best suits both languages that you know and you get paid an ex amount of money due to being able to speak more than 1 language and being bilingual allows you to get a job faster then people who only know a single language
The benefits of speaking two languages varies. Their are a lot of benefits of speaking more than one language. For an example you have a higher rates of getting hired for a job. You have more advantages then others. You can help translate for people who don't speak more than one language. Makes traveling more fun enjoyable if you want to go out. You can raise your kids to be bilingual.
Working in pairs or small groups on an assignment or project. Having students write about books and sharing that writing with classmates. Establishing literature circles for in-depth discussions. Creating a book club or reading group.