If we break down the word autotroph, auto means “self” and troph means "feeding" or nourishment. However, when we break the word heterotroph, we get hetero- meaning other, and troph meaning feeders.
This is the critical difference between these two groups. Autotrophs synthesize or make their own food whereas, heterotrophs cannot make their own food thus have to rely on others by eating or absorbing others. For example, plants are autotrophs because they can make their own food using photosynthesis, whereas, humans are heterotrophs because we have to eat others to survive.
1) When a person can feel their vehicle's side-to-side balance it is called a roll.
2) A humans visual system consists of the retina, brain, and the optic nerve.
ligase activity
This is because ligase has the role to connect DNA fragments.
DNA gyrase is one of the enzymes involved in prokaryotic DNA replication. It introduces negative supercoils into DNA and for this process ATP is required. This enables the process of replication to continue.
That would be the concentration gradient of hydrogen ions(protons). See the attached pic:)
Volcanic activity would increase