1. The truck tumbled down the street rapidly.
2. The man drudged home from a day of work sadly.
It said I could add my own choice of adjectives or adverbs after the sentences and so, I did just that. I hope this helps!
(Como não falou o ato, posso somente deduzir) Olha, não tenho certeza, mas eu já li o livro:
Caríssimo Romeu,
Não se afogue em lágrimas por um improvável amor, procuras tu a razão: Não podes tu querer casar com uma família antagônica à tua. Mas se fores mesmo perdido de amor, posso-lhe fazer algo. Volte à minha residência, que lhe quero falar. Enviarei a ti um mensageiro. Não faças nada hediondo, não fiques desatinado, não sejas teu próprio carrasco. Não faças nada com fúnebres corolários
Teu amigo e conselheiro,
Frei Lourenço
Colors and emotions are closely linked. Warm colors can evoke different emotions than cool colors and bright colors can create different feelings than muted colors.
Source from internet
Mexican-American farmworker, labor leader and civil rights activist César Chávez brought about better conditions for agricultural workers. Born on his family’s farm near Yuma, Arizona, Chávez witnessed the harsh conditions farm laborers endured. Routinely exploited by their employers, they were often unpaid, living in shacks in exchange for their labor, with no medical or other basic facilities. Without a united voice, they had no means to improve their position. Chávez changed that when he dedicated his life to winning recognition for the rights of agricultural workers, inspiring and organizing them into the National Farm Workers Association, which later became the United Farm Workers. Through marches, strikes and boycotts, Chávez forced employers to pay adequate wages and provide other benefits and was responsible for legislation enacting the first Bill of Rights for agricultural workers. For his commitment to social justice and his lifelong dedication to bettering the lives of others, Chávez was posthumously recognized with the highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom
i think it's correct