Identity formation and evolution are impacted by a variety of internal and external factors like society, family, loved ones, ethnicity, race, culture, location, opportunities, media, interests, appearance, self-expression and life experiences.
<em>WAS</em><em> </em><em>THIS</em><em> </em><em>ANSWER</em><em> </em><em>HELPFUL</em><em> </em><em>?</em><em> </em>
<em>MARK</em><em> </em><em>ME</em><em> </em><em>AS</em><em> </em><em>A</em><em> </em><em>BRAINLI</em><em>E</em><em>ST</em>
1. Theme
2. Conflict
3. Character
4. Plot
5. Setting
1. It is theme because it shows a lesson learned. (Instead, he should have learned to trust in himself to overcome obstacles.)
2. Its conflict because the duck is in a pickle and needs to find a solution to his problem. (he needed to save his ducklings from the wolf and find his way home before nightfall. He’d have to figure out how to outsmart the wolf.)
3. It is character because it tells us bout her personality that she isn't the strongest but is determined to protect her little lambs. (She wasn’t the strongest sheep in the herd, but she was determined to protect them.)
4. It is plot because it has Exposition: (The story is about a young mermaid and her sister, who find a mysterious cave and decide to explore it) Rising Action: (In the cave, they discover an evil witch, who poisons the mermaid’s sister.) Climax: (The mermaid travels to find a magical octopus, whose ink is a cure for the witch’s poison.) Falling Action: (The mermaid returns with the ink.) Resolution: (She saves her sister.)
5. It is Setting because it tells us where this story is taking place (had a small shop in the middle of the village, where they would create the most beautiful shoes for the king.)
Katie called, "He looked so belligerent he could have devoured me."
Answer: to watch
Explanation: The gerund is defined as a form that is derived from a verb but that functions as a noun, in English ending in -ing. The infinitive is defined as the basic form of a verb, without an inflection binding it to a particular subject or tense. So, choose the -ing word (watching) and make it the infinitive (to watch).