"she expressed<em> them </em>imperfectly”
The speaker is not complying with concord. Her reference is ,realised by <em>them</em>, ambiguous. <em>Them</em> lacks any reference if we move backwards in the excerpt. We may assume <em>them</em> refers to what she had to say,but <em>it</em> shoudl have been used , instead. However, <em>them</em> may refer to <em>thoughts</em> that comes later in the excerpt:"She expressed<em> them</em> imperfectly her thoughts were imperfect.", in these sentences ,which are not coherently linked , we infer that <em>them</em> is referring to <em>thoughts.</em>
A Despite not explicitly discussing Hughes or his poetry, King etc.
As the title <em>Langston Hughes' </em><em>Hidden influence </em><em>on MLK </em>clearly shows, the central idea is the non-visible (at first sight) influence of Langston Hughes on MLK. Due to the fact that MLK didn´t explicitly discussed or mentioned L. Hughes, his influence is, therefore, hidden.
Love is beautiful to some people, some people have different experiences from love. But it's both for some people and love can make you a better person. You can love someone and not know it. You can love people in different ways. Sometimes you can lose people that you love and you realize that you loved them more than you thought. You can love someone and fight for them in a positive way or you can fight for them in a toxic way. But love can be a beautiful thing and it can be a toxic thing some people don't know the difference.