a;Rulers should rule nicely, subjects be loyal
Respect elders
b;Desire nothing, and there will be peace
Become with nature
Be selfless
c;Punish people who dont do well
Dont criticize what the government does
Control ideas
2.) all founded by specific people, all emerged during warring states period
3.) all benefit different people e.g, legalism is good for government officials/rulers, daoism is good for selfless, non greedy people, and confucianism benefits almost everyone. also, confucianism was more having good morals, while daosim is more go with the flow, and legalism was being punished for doing bad things
A. OKC Bombing
A domestic terrorism attack is an attack that was caused by the citizen of that country.
The Iroquois
During the first half of the 17th Century Dutch have established alliances with Iroquois. They even supported them with providing the weapons, while Iroquois participated in some conflicts on the side of Dutch. Still, in the second half of that Century Dutch Republic was unable to spread its influence furthermore.
The leader back then Was Called A dictator but back them it was selected by the people.
Involving what? What are you asking for?