support the new republic
From 1795 to 1799, France was ruled by the Directory for four years after the "Reign of Terror," when the nation was controlled by the Public Safety Committee. However, it was soon engulfed with wides[presad famine, war with neighboring nations, and even internal conflicts between revolutionaries and royalists. Moreover, these factors combined with corruption gave for Napoean to seize power, and his government called Consulate. The above statement reflects the zeal of the new government to gather public support.
<u><em>During the First triumvirate the political order was in chaos and the Republic was in a serious difficulty moment. Basically what happened during the First and second Triumvirates in Rome was that the leaders of Military forces appropriated illegally of the power started to dominate the Roman.</em></u>
<span>Who was allowed o rule Rome and establish an empire I place of the Roman republic B. Caesar Augustus</span>