The Alchemist concludes with Santiago at the end of his journey across the sea and sands, back to where he started, dreaming under a sycamore tree. That is until the last line of the novel, "I'm coming, Fatima..." (Epilogue.13); This line shows that Santiago's journey is not yet done and that he will continue to travel even after the end of the novel.
The emotional suggestions of a word, that is not literal.
hypothesis: Amount of sugar ingested affects children's self-esteem.
To establish the validity or falsifiability of this hypothesis, it would be necessary to establish a scientific experiment.
In that case, I would gather 30 children between 10-12 years old and divide them into 3 groups, each with 10 children. Group A would be made up of children who should eat 100 calories (approximately 25 grams) of sugar per day, which is the limit recommended by medical authorities. Group B would be formed by children who should eat 150 calories of sugar per day. Group C would consist of children who would not eat any calories from sugar. The experiment would last for 3 months.
Over the three months, children would be assessed on their view of themselves and their confidence in going through small challenges that require high levels of self-esteem. Each children's behavior would be given a grade.
In the end, the scores in each group would form an average and these averages would be compared using statistisc apps, to see if there is a significant difference between the results of each group. If the difference was not significant between the groups, it means that sugar does not interfere with children's self-esteem. If the difference is significant, it means that sugar interferes with children's self-esteem.