Calvinism originated with the teachings of John Calvin in the 16th century. The Reformation in Switzerland when Huldrych Zwingli began preaching what would become the first form of the Reformed doctrine in Zürich in 1519.
Zwingli and John Oecolampadius became embroiled in conflict over the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist with Martin Luther, leading to a division between Lutheran and Reformed Protestants. Several theologians succeeded Zwingli, the best known of which is John Calvin in Geneva, but other reformers like John Oecolampadius, Heinrich Bullinger, Peter Martyr Vermigli, and Wolfgang Musculus were also very influential in the development of Reformed theology.
Reformed faith spread throughout Europe in the 16th century, with different character in different places. Calvinism was the dominant form of Protestantism in France. After a period of struggle Calvinists were officially tolerated there. Under the leadership of John Knox the Church of Scotland, which was Reformed, became the established church in Scotland. In the Netherlands, Calvinism also became the official established religion following a period of persecution. During the Reformation, Calvinism was the primary Protestant faith in Belgium but was eradicated in favor of the Counter-Reformation. Germany remained predominantly Lutheran during the 16th century, but Reformed worship was promoted intermittently by rulers in Electoral Palatinate, Margraviate of Brandenburg, and other German states. Reformed ideas also influenced Protestants in Eastern Europe, especially Hungary and Romania. The reform of the Church of England was also influenced by Reformed theologians, and remained so throughout the 16th century.
The only shape that fits that definition is the sphere. So, gravity is the answer to why Earth is round! If you've seen pictures of asteroids that exist in outer space, you may have noticed that some of them are irregular, rocky shapes. That's because they're not big enough to pull themselves into a sphere.
Record Group 46; Records of the United States Senate, 1789-1990; National Archives.) The Monroe Doctrine was articulated in President James Monroe's seventh annual message to Congress on December 2, 1823.
The author included the information about 1920 and 1925 because that was the time the U.S economy expanded rapidly, The Roaring Twenties. Until 1925 there wasn’t legal requirement to separate the operations of commercial and investment banks, the investment banking was consisted of <em>JP Morgan & Co, Kuhn, Loeb & Co, Brown Brothers and Kindder, Peabody & Co</em>. Their funds could be used to fund the underwriting business of the investment baking side.
In 1929 everyone was putting their savings into stocks, not only the wealth part but the poor part too and because of that the stock market reached the peak in August 1929. But than the production declined causing unemployment and with that the stock prices were much higher than their actual value. The economy was struggling, the debt was rising and the banks had and excess of large loans that couldn’t be liquidated.
In the 1930s over 9,000 banks failed because people didn’t trusted them to put their saving. The Great Depression the official unemployment rate was 25% and the stock marked declined 75% since 1929. But in 1933 now with Rooselvet’s administration he took immediate action about the economic woes first announcing that all banks would close, Bank Holiday. The Congress would pass reform legislation and reopen the banks. In “<em>first 100 days</em>” Roosevelt’s administration stabilized the industrial and agricultural production and created jobs and also created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to protect depositors’ accounts and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to regulate the stock market and prevent what happened in 1929.
The big change between the crises in the 20s and 30s were all about who was in charge, President Hebert Hoover didn’t take much lead about the crises but Roosevelt did.