Question 1
What is Peter’s plan to change the world?
Peter plans to change the world by writing anonymously on 'the nets' in an attempt to change world politics. Peter wants to rule the world by producing a unified world peace for him to rule.
Question 2
How does he manipulate Valentine into helping him?
Peter manipulates Valentine to help him by saying that he has changed and plans to change the world through his well-placed comments over the net. He asks Valentine to help him write anonymously in two different personas to influence world politics. They use 'throw away personas' a language and style that refines away any childish arguments and tendencies.
Question 3
What is her role in his scheme?
Valentine's role in the scheme is to ask her father to get citizens to access the net instead of student access. Peter intends to spread his ideas on the net and establish a kind of era of American peace.
They did not share the same goals on Reconstruction
They had different ideas of reconstructions.
A totalitarian government is an authority that exercise absolute and centralized control over all aspects of life.
Answer:La esclavitud fue practicada en la América británica desde el principio de la era colonial, y fue firmemente establecida cuando se firmó la Declaración de Independencia de los Estados Unidos. Tras esto, existió una expansión gradual de abolicionismo en el Norte, mientras la rápida expansión de la industria del algodón desde 1800 causó al Sur aferrarse fuertemente a la esclavitud, e intentar expandirla a los nuevos territorios occidentales del país. Así, la esclavitud polarizó la nación en estados esclavistas y estados libres mediante la línea Mason-Dixon, que separaba a Maryland (esclavista) y Pensilvania (libre).