The Federal Reserve and other experts predict the economy will remain subdued until 2021 or 2022. Extreme weather caused by climate change is likely to worsen. Health care costs will continue to rise. And a new era is beginning, but not in the way most people think. Though this election feels like the beginning of a partisan realignment, it’s actually the end of one. The partisan coalitions that defined the Democratic and Republican parties for decades in the middle of the twentieth century broke apart long ago; over the past half century, their component voting blocs — ideological, demographic, economic, geographic, cultural — have reshuffled.
the west, the definining feature of the modern era is the development of all forces of modernity, i.e., science, reason, democracy, liberty and equality. Medieval is in fact a term that is used to describe a societal period that lacked all these features.
"Republican Motherhood" is an 18th-century term for an attitude toward women's roles present in the emerging United States before, during, and after the American Revolution. It centered on the belief that the patriots' daughters should be raised to uphold the ideals of republicanism, in order to pass on republican values to the next generation. In this way, the "Republican Mother" was considered a custodian of civic virtue responsible for upholding the morality of her husband and children. Although it is an anachronism, the period of Republican Motherhood is hard to categorize in the history of Feminism. On the one hand, it reinforced the idea of a domestic women's sphere separate from the public world of men. On the other hand, it encouraged the education of women and invested their "traditional" sphere with a dignity and importance that had been missing from previous conceptions of Women's work.
Simply telling the patient that urine from them will be needed for them to get a proper diagnosis is all that needs to be said
Louis newspaper sums up America's despair over the successful Soviet launch of Sputnik, the first satellite to orbit the earth. This cartoon alludes to the warming relations between the Soviet Union and India, a formerly neutral country in the Cold War.