The command is : <span>rm [Aa]*[Zz] </span>
<span>The correct answer is higher for both blank spaces.
We all know the famous saying: "No risk, no reward". What is true is the higher your risk you also have a higher degree of reaping a higher rewards. But the opposite is also true, the more you risk the more you stand to lose. In stockbroker business this is best exemplified, as you can se brokers trying to predict the stock market in order to make greater profits. Gambling is also the good example of this. </span>
The web browser sends an HTTP request to the IP address, the IP address then sends the content that are displayed by the browser
The process of converting the typed in URL to a displayed page is as follows;
1) The typed in URL is sent to a DNS recursor by the browser
2) The recursor gets the DNS record for the domain from the cache if the record is cached or when the DNS record for the domain is not cached, the recursor makes a requests to the DNS root from which the name of the TLD nameserver is received
3) The TLD nameserver is contacted by the resolver to obtain the authoritative nameserver's IP address
4) With the information, the resolver contacts the authoritative nameserver and obtains the domain's IP address for the domain the resolver contacts
5) The obtained IP address for the URL's domain is then sent to the browser by the resolver
6) An HTTP request is sent by the browser to the IP address and the data received by the browser from that IP address is rendered and seen as the page content.
Back up the user data to removable disk
Before you work on a computer, especially anything that has to do with files not accessible, this might need to format the system because it might either be a virus or other forms of malware. Since backup was done to a different logical partition on the disk, the first thing to do before performing any diagnostic procedures on the disk is to back up the user data to a removable disk in order not to lose the information in the system.