theSentence = input('Enter sentence: ')
theSentence = theSentence.split()
sentence_split_list =[]
for word in theSentence:
sentence_split_list = ' '.join(sentence_split_list)
Using the input function in python Programming language, the user is prompted to enter a sentence. The sentence is splited and and a new list is created with this statements;
theSentence = theSentence.split()
sentence_split_list =[ ]
In this way every word in the sentence becomes an element in this list and individual operations can be carried out on them
Using the append method and list slicing in the for loop, every word in the sentence is converted to a PIG LATIN
The attached screenshot shows the code and output.
C. a registered Microsoft Account
Please the code snippet below, the code was writen in Kotlin Language
const val inches:Int= 12 . //This is the const value
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
//this will ask the user for input
print("Enter a number")
//this will do the conversion
var valueInFeet= Integer.valueOf(readLine())*inches
print("The value in feet is $valueInFeet feet(s)")
No, It will not. but sometimes when you do the overclock the monitor may not have fast enough pixel response time. you might notice some tearing in the image. but will not do any permit damage
my display is overclocked from 60hz to 75hz (the max)