The children locked up Margot in the closet and enjoyed the sun. They deprived her of the same experience and was let go only after the rains came back.
Ray Bradbury's<em> All Summer In A Day</em> is about how children in an elementary school in Venus experience the sun. The character of Margot is the protagonist, and she ends up being bullied because she was different, and had come from the earth.
The children in the school began to oppose whatever Margot say about the sun. Since she was different from them, they do not believe what she said. She was treated differently by them, owing to the fact that she had come just some 5 years back to Venus while they were born in the planet. They cornered her while the teacher was away, and put her in a <em>"closet, where they slammed and locked the door"</em>. Then they enjoyed the sun while she was still locked up in the closet, thus, depriving her of the experience.
Words to Describe Qualities of a Good Friend
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available believable brave
caring cheerful considerate
cordial discerning easygoing
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