ummmm i really dont have one i have been to alll the places sooo
Unequal access to basic service can be defined as a situation whereby some group of people do not have access to basic services while other group have maximum access to same basic services in a given particular location. For example hospitals,schools, banks etc are basic services which services rendered varies from one area to another.
The correct answer is C. Hidden Self
Johari Window is a model used for people to know themselves and others better through adjectives. This model includes four quadrants; one of these is the hidden self that should include features you know about yourself but other people ignore. This process involves self-disclosure because you disclose information about yourself such as qualities, feelings, fear, etc. Additionally, once you began disclosing this information the Hidden Self window shrinks because less information about you is hidden and this makes the Open self to expand (information about you that is known by you and other people). Thus, it is the Hidden Self quadrant the one that shrinks through self-disclosure.