It was a warm summer day and a family with a dog were planning to go to the beach. the dog didn't know where they were going ta first but once the family got there the dog was so excited. They got settled in a warm, sandy spot. They let the dog off of his leash to go play. The dog ran into the cool water and jumped around. A family member got out the gods favorite green ball and threw it, the dog went after it instantly and brought it back, this repeated until they got tired. They had lunch and spent the rest of the day at the beach. This was the dogs best day ever.
<span>starting in medias res if this is the excerpt i think it is
I am not from here......i am from India
No, Mary Warren never told the truth about what happened in the woods.
According to the story of the Salem Witch Trials, Mary Warren was a servant of John and Elizabeth Proctor. She and the other accused girls went on a mission of conjuring things and practicing witchcraft. They had ulterior motives for this Abigail Williams wished to accuse Elizabeth Proctor of witchcraft so that she could marry her husband.
Mary Warren knew the genesis of all of these but she did not tell the truth about the girls to the court. She rather accused her master and mistress of witchcraft, leading to her master's sentence to death and her mistress' imprisonment.
The massive scope of World War 2 drew millions of American men into the armed services very quickly. As a result, women had to leave the home and go to work - partly to replace the income lost when their husbands, fathers, brothers, etc. went to war, are partly to help support the war effort at home. Suddenly, women who had never considered working outside the home were working together in factories, and businesses, learning trades and skills that had been primarily reserved for men up until that point. By the time the war ended, an entire generation of women had come to realize that they could be more independent than they had ever imagined. They liked earning their own money and enjoyed the mental and physical stimulation of leaving home and going to work every day. Because of their important contributions, women were also now valuable members of the work force and employers didn't want to lose these good employees. And since employers commonly paid women less than men to do the same job, retaining women in professional positions after the war made good business sense for business owners. African Americans were impacted in several different ways by World War 2. Arguably the greatest external factor on blacks was their intermingling (if not integration) with whites and others during the war. In many, many cases whites from rural parts of the country had never interacted with blacks in any meaningful way, and they certainly had not been in the life and death struggles presented on a daily basis of being in a war. A result of this racial mixing was the deterioration of long-held prejudices and greater acceptance of blacks by whites in normal society. This is not to say, racial barriers ceased to exist. In fact the civil rights movement, which led to many of those barriers being broken down didn't begin to capture the popular imagination for 20 more years and even today, almost 70 years since the end of world war 2, African Americans do not have equal status to whites in many aspects of our society and they still have fight for their rights on a daily basis.