To see where it was taken or where the clothes was from or what the magazine is about.
verb - descend a rock face or other near-vertical surface by using a doubled rope coiled around the body and fixed at a higher point.
noun - a descent made by rappelling.
Helmer's self esteem depends on the people believe that he is not influenced by his wife.
He says to his wife that he will not listen to her decisions as he doesn't want people to think that he is under his wife's influence. He says it will be hard for him to deal with people in his office if they get to know that he let's his wife take decisions.
He wants to show other that he has the authority. This is the good example of male chauvinism in the society and how women are not taken seriously in any aspect.
We can't help you without you telling us the whole story or giving us a link to it, we have no context.
It affects it because if you don’t go step by step then it’s all out of order & the reader won’t really understand it so you have to go step by step so the readyer with understand what they’re reading.