c. "Some doctors warn we may see a thousand dead before it’s over. There are forty-thousand people living in Philadelphia, William. Can you imagine if one in forty were to die?"
This option is the most logical option that connect to the historical account detailed in the book Fever 1793.
See Explanation
Louis XIV reigned as king of France between 1643 to 1715. He was a strong king who brought the French monarchy to limelight all round Europe. In his time, France also made significant progress in the area of culture and art. He was known as the "sun king".
His positive legacies include the fact that he brought the French monarchy into prominence in Europe, made France a citadel of culture and art in Europe and he was a renowned military leader with a lot of colonies under him.
His negative legacies include the fact that he made the French kingdom to become heavily indebted and he increased taxes of the common people which eventually led to the French revolution.
I'm guessing that they fought against forces, like the people trying to steal land so they could have enough space to live, farm, and hunt.
I also think that the Native American could have traded or given valuable items to the people who were trying to take their land in exchange for the Natives to keep their land.