Present progressive has "-ing", present emphatic requires the verb "do" or "does" and present perfect requires "is/has/have"
uncontrollably‘ is a verb phrase.
are simply known as the ‘action’ words – may it be mental, physical or
mechanical. When verbs are paired with auxiliaries (helping verbs), they are
known as verb phrase. These helping verbs always go first before the actual
verb. We consider it a phrase instead of
‘sneezing’ because of the comma, it emphasized the phrase. Sneezing if it had
been a direct object or subject could be gerund, but unfortunately, not on this
This uses A. non-sequitur logic.
This is because the second inference does not rely upon the first. Just because someone likes the <em>Star Wars</em> movies does not mean that they also like the <em>Harry Potter </em>movies. These are two unrelated things, so a person does not automatically like both. <span />