Deep ocean trenches, volcanoes, island arcs, submarine mountain ranges, fault lines, ETC.
A structural limit where two plates are advancing toward one another. In the event that the two plates are of equivalent thickness, they ordinarily push facing one another, shaping a mountain chain.
The correct answer is - dunes.
The dunes, or sand dunes, are a relief forms that are formed by deposition of material. In the process of forming a dune, the responsibility goes to the eolian processes (wind processes). The wind has its own mechanical power to erode the rocks, but it also has the power to transport the material. The stronger the wind, the bigger the particles it can transport, and vice versa. When the wind is transporting a certain material, in the case of the dunes it will be sand particles, eventually it will start to lose on speed, and as it loses on speed, it loses on power, so the sand particles are starting to fall on the ground and deposit. s more and more sand particles are depositing, the dune starts to form, and it is growing bigger as more sand particles are falling on it.
Many people still think that United States is still a leader of the free world.
Even after the end of the colonization in the world and with the end of the cold war between the United States of America and the USSR, some people still think that the United States is still the leader of the countries in the free world.
The way with which the United States rule is with the trade policies of the country towards the other countries or the strong financial position of the country.
It is 23.7 km south of welgemoed, western cape, south africa