You pay sales tax on your purchases at the rate of 0.07. What fraction of your money is this? Remember to reduce your fraction to its lowest terms.
0.07 is equal to
The suffix "-fy" means cause or become. A verbal suffix meaning "to make" "cause to be" "render", "to become", "be made".The suffix was introduced into English in loan words from Old French, but also used the information of new words, usually on a Latin root. Hope this helps! If I'm incorrect please tell me as soon as possible! :-)
You can't drive over emotional depression or an economic downfall but you can accidenalltly drive over a pothole.
To prevail is to ‘gain the desired effect’. It’s kind of like achieving a goal, or overcoming the odds.
Like in a book or a movie, when the hero prevails, they usually defeat the villain, resolve a conflict, or achieve whatever goal(s) they had.
Hope this helps.
Joans Edward Salk became famous for developing a polio vaccine?
Polio is a contagious disease that has mostly been eradicated
In the 1940,s, polio was widespresd.