People of the United States have got very much smarter as compared to 1945. They know when to oppose the decision of waging a war against Vietnam and when to support the government to go to war against Cuba.
The cold war is beneficial in some things for Americans such as their lives being full of humor due to Soviet jokes. They got united against one mighty enemy and contributed a lot in various fields.
The USA became a real superpower by inviting foreign investors, establishing diplomatic relationships, researching, and taking a stand on almost every political event.
Now as the USA has achieved more development and power than any other nation, they have gigantic things at stake and have something to lose. New rivals are arising.
The role of the first lady has evolved over the centuries. She is, first and foremost, the hostess of the White House. She organizes and attends official ceremonies and functions of state either along with, or in place of, the president.
The most difficult challenges faced by the plymouth and jamestown settlers were not starving to death, since they were unfamiliar with the territory and farming practices needed for the land, and dealing with hostile Native Americans, since many natives viewed them (correctly) as being a threat.
why are the children being escorted by the military?
why do they look scared?
The elephant is. The party is also colloquially known as the "GOP",
for "Grand Old Party".