The correct phrases to link:
- early settler in Israel
- female head of state
Golda Meir was born in Kiev, Ukraine (then part of the Russian Empire), in 1898. Her family emigrated to the United States in 1906, where they settled in Milwaukee, WI. Golda Meir became a Zionist activist and helped raise funds for the settlement and establishment of Israel. She and her husband moved to the Palestine Mandate territory in 1921, becoming settlers in a kibbutz there. (Kibbutzes were collective farming settlements.)
Meir later went on to become prime minister of Israel, holding that office from 1969 to 1974. She was the fourth prime minister of Israel, and has been the only woman to hold that office. Meir was in office as prime minister during the time that Israeli athletes were attacked at the Munich Olympics in 1972, and also during the October War in 1973 (also known as the Yom Kippur War or the Ramadan War).
U-Boat (Unterseeboot)
During World War I, German Submarines played an essential role in the North Sea and the war. Germans were quite advanced when it came to controlling submarines. During the first World War, commander Franz Becker guided German submarines which we know today as U-boats. The Germans unrestricted submarine warfare tactics caused great offence to the merchant vessels in the waters around Great Britain particularly of the Royal Navy and America.
Cleopatra, Queen Nefertari., Queen Hatshepsut, and king and Tut
Mansa Musa came to power for 50 years after Sundiata restored the wealth of Mali. In the 1300s, he conquered the Songhai kingdom. Muhammad chose the titles of Askia the Great. He was a devoted Muslim as well as Mansa Musa and they both supported education and learning. Mansa Musa had added important trade routes to cities including Timbuktu, Djonne, and Gao, adding them to his empire. Under Askia the Great, both Gao and Timbuktu flourished.