The place with the lowest precipitation on earth is Arica, a port city in Chile
The most common geographic boundary is the physical boundary.
Rivers, mountains, lakes, deserts are all physical boundaries.
The Mississippi River is a physical boundary between many countries that trespasses, including Iowa and Illinois, Louisiana, and Mississippi.
Pyrenees Mountains are also the geographic boundary between France and Italy.
Answer: Economists view the term Economic stability as a state of constant economic growth along with low inflation.
Explanation: When economy of any country is growing positively it ultimately reduces the inflation in a country. Thus we can say that they are inversely proportional to each other, means when you see increasing inflation, it indicates that the economic growth is either negative or stagnated however, when inflation is decreasing it indicates that the economy of a country is growing positively.
The oldest religions to exist
he solid part of the surface of the earth. 2 : an area of ground or soil of a particular kind fertile land. 3 : a part of the earth's surface marked off by boundaries They bought some land. 4 : a country or nation your native land. 5 : the people of a country All the land rose in rebellion.