I would use a biometric machine that scans a fingerprint and a eye retina then calls up my bank information from the scan. Who wants to carry a card around anyway?
A. Since it tells about how people think she’s lesser because she’s a women.
You would place it in orbit around Earth, as most X-rays are absorbed by the atmosphere, so you would want the detector outside of the atmosphere to accurately detect the X-rays.
(i) When transmitting a draft manuscript for a book, the lossless compression technique is most suitable because after decompression, the data is rebuilt and restored in its form as it was from where it originated
(ii) When transmitting a video recording which you have made of the school play, a lossy compression technique is most suitable because the large size of video files require the increased data carrying capacity which is provided by the lossy transmission technique. The quality of the video can be reduced without affecting the message intended to be delivered