It is said that with Cupid's Arrows, He can control the ability to make people fall in love Instantaneously, Even if it is not true love and the selected people don't know each other. As the son of Mars and Venus [Basing this off of Roman Mythology] He controlled Romance, Erotic Love, Affection e.t.c . Cupid fell in love himself with Psyche and we have seen where that went.
Cupid's story tells us that You cannot love without trust. You may love someone but, without trusting that person, your love life will never succeed. I didn't understand your question but, I answered what I could gather from this.
The industrial revolution caused Europeans to look for new colonies by wanting seek untapped natural resources and therefore cheap materials. Industrialization resulted in mass production of goods. So it created the need to find new markets.
The answer is south carolina