spanish:mientras estaba en Costa Rica compré mangos de un hombre en el lado de una carretera. él era muy agradable, pero él no entendía mi inglés. El mismo día fui a la cascada de la Fontuna y salté de la cabeza. Tuvimos que caminar hasta la cima, pero estaba pavimentada en su mayoría. nos quedamos todo el día y lo pasamos muy bien.
english:while I was in costa rica I bought mangos from a man on the side of a highway. he was very nice, but he did not understand my english. On the same day i went to La Fontuna waterfall and jumped from head. We had to hike to the top, but it was mostly paved. we stayed all day and had a really good time.
TÚ vas al cine? ——- that’s the answer
Patricia is supposed to respond with the opposite of whatever Victoria says. Victoria said, “I’m going to speak with someone.” Therefore, Patricia should said “I’m not going to speak with anyone.”
Double negatives are allowed in Spanish, so the correct word which is the opposite of “alguien” is “nadie.”
Well considering the fact that Belize is in Central America surrouned by ocean and water and coastlines they reenforce them with sandbars and rocks but mainly belizieans build thier own homes with Wood/timber.